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Vithura V. Asok (Category- Poetry)(JUSTICE | Certificate of Appreciation )




. …………….. 1………………….


Justice to us delayed and denied, 


Miliions and billions so deep in graves, 


Shut in marvellous coffins for centuries, 


Empty  epitaphs sole bread to our starving souls. 


How long, how long shall we wait, how long, 


Awaiting the promised “Last Day of Judgement”❓


 . ……….. ……. 2 ……..        . 


Some were divine births, divine lives too, 


Preaching and practicing love and virtue, 


All good Samaritans, loving their neighbors, 


Often many sinners too, but of divine inheritance, 


Sins so diverse, human, divine and and Satanic . 


 …………………… 3………………………….. 


Human laws vindicate early trial and fair judment, 


But the Divine laws, always in a “Not to Be” mood, 


“To Be ” still only a tempting  promise or wild fiasco. 


Impatient souls murmuring in long queues, 


But confined to the coffins always so tight, 


The Last Day of Judgement our sole dream, 


Justice so delayed and denied in the lost ways. 





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