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Ven-Lyn A. Valdez (Category-Article) (A Special message for My Dad | Certificate of Appreciation)

Being A Friend
Rather Than A Father

Teenagers these days are too hot to handle.Sometimes, they are defiant and rude to their father’s guidance. According to some research, it’s their hormonal development to become adults that causes this kind of sensitivity in some argumentative issues. Nevertheless, not only their bodies are changing but also their way of behavioral thinking changes; too.

To be a father is not easy .It seems that some fathers are mean to their girls. They sometimes neglect to notice that in their teenager years ,some fathers are very strict only to realize that they wanted them to be in a good way .Some girls went wild with an attitude far beyond their expectations as a father.. And as a father,if he is not careful enough to this development he may not be able to guide his children in a greener pastures or future in life, that he dreams for them.

My Father’s Words:
Here some few tips, that could help you out in having a better communication and guidance with your kids:

In times of expressing anger to your kid, instead of using “you” try using the word “I”, for example, “you make me angry to what you did in there”, try “I was angry for what happened in there”, see the difference between the two lines, the second is a little bit not harsh to listen to, it will give you time to explain why and what should be done next time.

Secondly, try to be his friend rather than building a gap in between the two of you, crash that wall that separates you from him, play basketball if needed to, bonding is important to teenagers, try to act cool but never over do it. Be sensitive to his likes and never embarrass your kid by telling stories of his childhoods years. Lastly, always treat him with respect and maturity but never bow down to his unnecessary demands.

Being a great dad sometimes needs to be his friend first, not just the ordinary ones but the best kind of friendship.

Ven- Lyn A. Valdez

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