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Rumi’s Little Book Of Life; Book Review

The 13th-century Persian poet and Sufi mystic continues to captivate the world with his book, “Rumi’s Little Book of Life”. It is a beautiful collection of 196 poems. This collection of mystical poetries focus on one of life’s core issues. During the course of life, each of us is engaged on an inner journey. This Book of life is a guidebook for that journey.

The book has a significant flow of how we can conquer over our heart, soul and spirit. It explores the inner self and fills out heart with joy and divine ecstasy.

Rumi’s Little Book of Life expresses the longing of the soul for union with the divine. It is divided into 3 parts- The Garden of the Soul, The Garden of the Heart, and The Garden of the Spirit. The poems explore the ideas of love, worship, soul, and god. They focus on listing the simple yet hard ways of living life well.

It is necessary for one to be slightly religious or spiritual to understand the ideas that are presented by Rumi. Rumi’s poetry always has been powerful, and his ideas are thoughtful.

“Why do you seek water when you are the stream”

― Rumi, Rumi’s Little Book of Life

“Learn to embrace sorrow

Look straight at its face

And joy will reappear “.

― Rumi, Rumi’s Little Book of Life

As long as you are crawling like a snake

on this earth do not hope to

swim like a fish in the sea of spirit.

― Rumi, Rumi’s Little Book of Life

Rumi’s take on love and surrendering is no doubt reflective and engaging. The poems hold the ability to make us question our notions of life, love, and grief.

The poetries in the book are enlightening, soothing, and appealing. It is a perfect read for anyone who likes poetry and philosophy. It’s a refreshing guide towards serenity and peace.

Thus, in this little book packed full of wisdom, one can find poetries on love, loss, heartbreak, deceit, etc. everything.

It is highly recommend it to anyone who is a fan of poetry or seeking a source of inspiration and comfort.

©️Sheetal Pradhan Deshpande

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