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Rijak Kaur Sarla (Category-Poem) (My Country My Pride | Certificate of Excellence)

The Great Indian Soldier
Across the border during times of war,
The time has come, this is what he has been made for,
His wife and children are lonely with no one with them,
They will soon get to know when “He is with them nor”,
A daddy and the beloved of someone in the distant land you will hear a wail for.

Known for their courage and sacrifice,
The soldiers of the Indian Army are known worldwide,
When their motherland faces a threat,
With rage they are ignited,
To fight for their country they always stand united

His death might become a real possibility,
His family always comes second to his nation,
And service commitments are always before God himself,
Caring not of such many things that might come true there and then,

He is no more,
He lies there, his glasses askew and blood splattered all over,
A day of melancholy and destruction over the family’s heads hovers,
It was her anniversary that day, she turned a widow from a bride,
A day for mourning for her country, her pride,
When India loses one of it’s faithful sons,
The great Indian Soldier.
Copyright © Rijak Kaur Sarla

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