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Rita Badhwar (UBI Mother Earth Contest | Certificate of Excellence ( Article) )

As it is quite evident from the heading of the topic that this beautiful Earth is the Mother of numerous living & non living things. Our mere existence becomes a ‘Big Question Mark ?ʼ in the absence of her presence .Hence we call her our Mother Earth. In many ways it is just like our biological motherbearing lots of pain in the process of giving birth & rearing us up.This is one of the most desirable place to inhabitat & lead a meaningful life. Out of all the benefits (water,wind,river,mountains,springs & what not )given & so many precious & wonderful gifts given by her- what have we done to her -“Ruined Her“. We have made it dirty and polluted in every sphere. The air, water everything has become so poisonous that in near future it will be next to impossible to breathe even. The whole environment will become such that it will be very difficult to live here comfortably for the future generations . Let us join hands in protecting our beloved Mother Earth from all sorts of pollution & disastrous effects. We should plant many more saplings & trees ,try hard to keep our environment smoke,dust & polyethylene free. It should be everyoneʼs constant endeavour rather moral duty to make it a Paradise & make her a “Blue Eyed Planet of our Solar System“.
Rita Badhwar

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