वह काँपती कागज की कश्ती सी तूफां लाँघती आगे बढ़ती पूर्ण निडरता से स्व से लड़ती गीली हो जाती निरंतर चलती स्वयं को पाती। रितु
बादल घुमड़ घुमड़ कर बरस रहे हैं।अवनि खिड़की की सींखचों से बाहर झांक रही है।उसे याद आ रहा है कैसे वह अपनी माँ के साथ
Floating paperboats. Drenched with childhood memories, life keeps fleeting by. ***** Life keeps fleeting by Rain water fills the parched stream Paperboat of metaphors. *****
Paper boats maybe very fragile but they bring rhapsodic joy in innocent hearts before they finally perish with time.
Of boredom and languor were erased all traces As unexpected rains brought smiles on jaded faces Fleeting downpour filled the dried streams and puddles And
“Paper boats resemble a Childs’ enthusiasm towards life, likewise humans should welcome their life with zeal, working towards a better future.” Aparna Patwardhan Bhat
Paper boats! Paper boats! Reminds us of the child within, Happily folding the paper thin. With eagerness and liveliness, Sailing the paper boat, In the
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