Suchi Shukla

The author is an amateur

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कुकर की दूसरी सीटी बज रही है और मेरे हाथों की रफ़्तार तेज हो गयी है ब्रश करते करते | आनन् फानन में मुँह पर पानी के कुछ छींटे मारकर... More

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BROKEN SHACKLES The war cries were fading making the night calmer and somber yet her heart was pounding with an unidentified pang of foreboding- to be ready for the worse! Sita... More

Doors are a phenomenal example of paradox. They stand as an inlet and outlet at the same time. There are doors that are opened to welcome everything and everyone that... More

Read it not once but twice to understand the key word in the statement. No its not writing or hurt but away.The message is loud and clear for all of us... More


Suchi Shukla

The author is an amateur trying her hands in writing Hindi and English poems on random topics. With four Post Graduate degrees in English, Education and Psychology along with the TKT from Cambridge University, she is basically exploring and finding herself. A Bhopal based, happily married mother of a handsome undergraduate son has found her calling in Teaching and training young minds not only in the subject concerned but for life.
She is held very highly in the opinions of her young friends ( her students) who consider her a mentor par excellence. Her selfless and sane guidance is valued very highly by one and all proving herself as a motivational factor in the lives of many.
A diehard fan of Jagjit Singh and Enrique, she loves to read voraciously on diverse themes. With her maiden venture she is open to all kinds of suggestions and criticisms.

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