Aparna Patwardhan Bhat

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 My FamilyFree, friendly and faithful is my family,Bonding and living together happily.We are four in total,With two dogs and a cat,To make the family more special.We are a unique four,With... More

“And One Day She Discovered...” She thought, do I belong here? Or do I need to move on beyond the realms, Of this universe to merge again in the infinite... More

 💕A gentle knock to the heart.💕 A gentle knock to the heart reminds me of my good old days, Where love and care was showered abundantly by my parents. A... More

“ATONEMENT"“Live it up and let go”Live it up and let go,It’s the battle between the self and human ego.To find a way out is the question,The tumultuous human nature has... More

Theme: Matters of the HeartTitle: A complex organ Heart.A complex organ yet, simple is the working to understand.It always listens to the write things and forgets the wrong.It believes in... More

My biggest accomplishmentToday in the 50th year of my life,I feel fulfilled and alive.I have overcome a lot of hurdles,Not forgetting the Struggles,And always being the go-getter.These five decades were... More

If My Words Can…. If my words had the power to change the world, I would scrabble up the words of magic and put forth a message. A message for... More

"Genuine Friendship." Genuine Friends are like a treasure, They always keep a check on your pressure. They don’t care whether, you are right or wrong. But, speak out when, they... More

Oh! Wonderful Woman Free, fierce and feminist, Yes, I am a woman. Unbound from the shackles of submission to hypocrisy, Unbound from the shackles of harassment from this dominating world.... More

Topic: “Rainbow”🌈 ‘Poem’ The perfect vibgyor arc, appearing as a mark of supremacy. Appeases the human mind signifying, The spirit of unity between all things and kind. The perfect vibgyor... More


Aparna Patwardhan Bhat

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